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Meet Caly: The Hottest Calculator Ever

4.8 ( 928 ratings )
Verktyg Underhållning
Utvecklare: Lim Peng Hoe
0.99 USD

To make Caly laugh, calculate something that equals 101. For example, 50+51--> LOL

Try big numbers, small numbers, pushing random buttons, theres a lot of secret functionality that will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

A word from Caly :

Hello Hello,

My name is Caly. Boring calculators really grind my gears so I thought I would offer a more fun, spunkier alternative.

Whether you need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide, Im your girl! Dont mind if I say something snarky, I just love to have fun.

Im really looking forward to crunching numbers together.

